This is our story

TroTro Diaries was founded in 2011 by Yaw Tweneboah Kodua Odoom and has grown to become the largest community of commuters and travelers in Ghana with 0ver 450,000 members.

The community started from a Facebook post shared by our founder on his stressful experience commuting to work using trotros (local minibuses); which is used by over 60% of the population. Realizing the negative impact the daily commute had on his productivity at work, he decided to create the group as a way to share experiences and  give commuters a voice.

Our community is now the largest community of commuters and travelers in Ghana with growing member base across other African countries and the world. Members share their daily commuting experiences, while getting help with public transport information from other commuters.

We are a member of the Action Plan Development Committee of the Pedestrian Road Safety Action Plan for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly.

Our mission

To empower citizens and provide them the tools needed to highlight and address the issues that impact them.

Our vision

To improve the commuting experience across Africa by helping to make it safer, convenient and affordable by becoming the go-to place for everything transportation in Africa. 


Meet the real world heroes

Yaw T. K Odoom


Stella Sessy Agbley

Community Manager

Paul Owusu Acheaw


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