TroTro Diaries selected for UNICEF Startup Lab

TroTro Diaries was selected to be part of the second cohort of the Unicef Startup Lab.
"UNICEF is excited to welcome this new cohort of 22 startups from across Ghana to the UNICEF StartUp Lab for 2021", said UNICEF Deputy Representative, Fiachra McAsey. "Each of the startups are already marketing impactful products and services that, if brought to scale, can positively influence and accelerate results for children, young people and communities.

Over the next months, the UNICEF team will be working closely with this group of companies, and with the right support, we believe several of the solutions being worked on by these businesses could eventually have global impact. From our perspective, the startups not only represent the best of Ghana's young entrepreneurial talent, they can also provide inspiration for other impact-focused businesses across the Ghanaian economy."

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