AMA - Pedestrian Road Safety Action Plan

Partners: Accra Metropolitan Assembly, World Resources Institure, Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Prior to TroTro Diaries, commuters were not included in the policy decision making process that impacted them. Following the impact of our community online, we were invited by the mayor of the capital city, Accra to be a member of the action plan development committee for the Pedestrian Road Safety Action Plan (a project funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies).

Using the Facebook poll functionality, rooms, as well as insights from the daily experiences shared by members, we were able to present and amplify the views of commuters for consideration into various policies to improve safety of our members.

As part of the project, a road crash heat map was developed by TroTro Diaries to help highlight crash hot spots. Data for the crash map was generated from the various road accidents that were shared by members on our Facebook group.

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