TroTro Diaries Job & Business Database Initiative


Based on feedback from members of our community (based across the 16 regions of Ghana), we realized that most of our members fall under two main categories:

  1. Members who are looking for  jobs.
  2. Members who have started their small business and are looking for ways to generate revenue.

Following this feedback we created 2 databases to address the needs of our members. The goal of these initiatives is to leverage the power of virtual communities like TroTro Diaries and digital tools to unlock employment and business opportunities for members of our community.

The TroTro Diaries Job Seekers Database so far has received submissions from 3,161 youth who are looking for dignified and sustainable jobs. We have started reaching out and matching members to roles in companies as well as businesses run by other community members.

However, there is a big knowledge and skills gap that we are hoping to partner with the right organizations to help up-skill members and connect them to opportunities.

On the other the hand, the Business Database  has already been subscribed to by 921 members of our community. The goal is to enable them connect with other members in the community who will need the product or services they offer.

In this area as well, we recognize the need to offer training that will help them build sustainable businesses that will also provide employment opportunities to other members of the TroTro Diaries community.

Here is what members of the community think about this initiative...

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